The Basics of Billiards: a Beginner's Guide to Getting Started

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작성자 Maximo
댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 24-09-02 14:55


Set such a man on a putting-green with a putter and three or four balls, and he will very likely putt as well as the best professional; ask him to drive or play a brassey and he will be nowhere. I know perfectly well that a man may feel unutterably nervous before he goes in to bat at cricket, but his nervousness goes when he has scored twenty runs, and been in half-an-hour. Take a stroke of eighty yards and one of forty, the mashie or some sort of lofted iron would be used for both these shots; and yet a player knows that at one distance he has a good chance of making a good stroke, at the other distance his heart goes into his boots. If one of the coloured balls goes in a pocket, this is now their colour and they can try to pot another one in, using the white ball. Nerves appear to be absent one day and painfully present another: so there are red-letter days when even a nervous man can putt, but the more nervous a man is the worse will he putt, and in no other part of the game will he find nerves play such demoniacal tricks.

And that's what you call a man who leaves his wife-a 'lucky fellow'? A man who foozles his drive and slices his approach, but who is nevertheless always down in two strokes after he has got on the putting-green, if not in one, is very hard to beat except his opponent is a really good player. I have mentioned golf and billiards together as the two games that give the hardest test of nerve, and the reason is this, that in both games strength is the all-important matter: strokes that require calculation of strength want nerve, but frequently are played without it. If you love pool games and want to know more about it, HB Home is your trusted source for reliable billiards game information. Carom billiards tables do not have pockets, but pool tables and those used for snooker do. Cue sticks have three variations, billiards cue, pool cue, and snooker cue, and it’s an essential item to the games of pool, carom billiards, and snooker. For pool tables and snooker tables, you will see six pockets. If you’ve found this page, you’re probably wondering ‘what’s the difference between snooker and pool?

One spiky blade of grass may make all the difference in laying a ball dead or holing it, what is billiards and the eye cannot always be depended on to see such things. They made him breathe some gas or other, to see what his rabbity spleen would say to it. That's a ball, Caudle, that's gone through many a wife's heart, to say nothing of her children. I do not pretend to say that an average player is always "off" with this or that club, but as every golfer knows there come times or spells of times when all skill with one class of club seems to vanish. But Mr. Hilton has to take out an iron club, because there are some occasions when it is absolutely impossible to use any other club. Mr. Hilton, who has twice won the Championship, has said somewhere that he uses wooden clubs, brasseys, and spooned wooden clubs of sorts all through the green simply because he is absolutely unable to use iron clubs and play a champion's game with them.

I have seen a player who was bad at lofting a ball over a bunker forty yards from the hole, play the previous stroke short in order, instead of having to play a forty-yards shot, to make one that took eighty yards to get over the bunker. In billiards every stroke requires thought of the question of strength; even a safety miss may easily be altogether defeated in its object if played too hard or too soft. For example, an object the size of Mars hit Earth once in the dim and distant past. In cricket you either hit a ball as hard as you like or you merely stop; that at any rate is the case when you first go in, and when you are nervous. A funeral is not an exciting or particularly pleasant occupation, but there are many funerals where a dead silence is not more cultivated than at some golf matches; and it is stupid and useless to fly into a passion because somebody thirty or forty yards off who is not playing golf at all, or at any rate has nothing to do with you, talks or laughs so that you must hear him.


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